Postgraduate courses
- MCB 8305 - Immunology and Immunobiology
- MCB 8201 - Advance Microbial Genomics
- Computaional Genomics
Undegraduate courses
- ANA 1102 - Introduction to Anatomy
- ANA 4212 - Research Project
- ANA 4107 - Laboratory Animal Science
- ANA 2401 - Upper and Lower Limb
- ANA 4301 - Genomics & Bioinformatics
- ANA 4212 - Research Methodology
- ANA 3710 - Human Genetics
- ANA 3104 - Histochemistry
- ANA 2204 - Pelvis and Perineum
- ANA 2102 - Neuroanatomy
- SPP3241 - Gene Expression Module
- ANAT 309 - Neuroanatomy
- ANA 3316 - Medical Genetics & Cytogenetics
- ANA 3202 - Radiological Anatomy
- ANA 4304 - Immunobiology
- ANA 4314 - Laboratory Work Experience
- ANA 4310 - Ultrastructure and Electron Microscopy
Invited Talks and Workshops
- 2023 - Software Sustainability Institute 2023 Fellowship Application
- 2022 - The Biology of Phylogenetic (Bauchi, Nigeria)
- 2022 - Reproducibility in Cancer Transcriptomics Research
- 2022 - Preprints: Accelerating Scholarly Communications
- 2022 - Foundation of Bioinformatics
- 2020 - Introduction to use of R in Data Analysis
- 2020 - Introduction to R programming for Beginners
- 2020 - How to write a good scientific paper for publication: Writing Compelling Papers (Malaysia)
- 2020 - Top Tips for Succeeding in your Online viva voce (Malaysia)
- 2020 - Scientific Globalization in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond: Prospects and Opportunities for Young Researchers (Borno, Nigeria)
- 2019 - Next-Gen Sequence Analysis Workshop
- 2019 - Establishment of bladder cancer cell line persistently infected with Newcastle disease virus (Basel, Switzerland)
- 2019 - Dissecting the genomic profile of persistently infecting oncolytic Newcastle disease virus (NDVpi) from cancer RNA-Seq data (Malaysia)
- 2018 - Development of an in vitro model system for Newcastle disease virus persistence in bladder cancer cells (Malaysia)